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Showing posts from March, 2019

A Case Report of Sub Periosteal Abscess | Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences

A Case Report of Sub Periosteal Abscess by Munish Kumar Saroch in Crimson Publishers : International Journal of Medical Sciences Acute and chronic rhino sinusitis are amongst the most frequently encountered conditions by the otolaryngologist in dayto- day practice. These are usually easily manageable with proper and effective antibiotic therapy and decongestants. However, despite widely available appropriate antibiotics, the otolaryngologist often finds himself face-to-face with complications of sinusitis especially in the pediatric population. These may affect the soft tissues, bones, the orbit and even the brain with a possible fatal or functionally impairing outcome (visual loss) at times. Here we present a case of orbital complication secondary to frontoethmoidal sinusitis. For more open access journals in crimson publishers Please click on link: For more articles on I...

Digitally Modulated Higher Cervical Tetraplegic by facial Signaling Project | Crimson Publishers

Digitally Modulated Higher Cervical Tetraplegic by facial Signaling Project by Abbas Alnaji in Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences Complete tetraplegia means shoulder is involved due to cervical spinal cord segment four is damaged. We have to bypass this gap. One method is by picking up the signals of facial muscles where volitionally controlled, propagate them (afferent similarity) to a digital processor to generate a package of orders (efferents) transmitted to the effecter organs (muscles) to achieve preprogrammed task. The whole story is implanted sub-cutanously. For more open access journals in crimson publishers Please click on link: For more articles on Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences Please click on link: