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Showing posts from December, 2021

Evaluation of Visual Proprioceptive Skill in South Indian Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: Crimson Publishers

 Evaluation of Visual Proprioceptive Skill in South Indian Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder by Ganapathy Sankar U in  Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences DCD can result from a combination of impairments in proprioception, programming of motor events and timing or in sequencing events. There has been much difficulty in identifying children with DCD because of the overlap of the child’s clinical presentation with learning disability, ADHD and DAMP. Inspite of having IQ greater than 70, children with DCD when arrive in school finds reading to be an impossible task. For more open access journals in  crimson publishers   Please click on   link: For more articles on  Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences   Please click on   link:   Crimson Publishers Linkedin:  htt...

Future Projections and Fallouts of Exponential Longevity and Revival from Cryopreservation: Crimson Publishers

Future Projections and Fallouts of Exponential Longevity and Revival from Cryopreservation by Vinod Nikhra  in  Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences The aging is a universal phenomenon. With time, all life-forms age. In essence, the aging is a disorder of accumulated recurrent and chronic injury at cellular and molecular levels. It is influenced by the developmental damage load, harmful effects of early life situations, and adverse effects of chronic disease processes. The healthcare and healthy lifestyle help in slowing the aging process. The longer life and aging slowly are mutually related. There is nothing inherent in human constitution that limits the lifespan. At the biological level, evolution has prepared us for longevity, not the brevity. For more open access journals in  crimson publishers   Please click on   link: For more articles on  Resea...