Medical Co Morbidities in Patients of Frontal Temporal Dementia -A Hospital Based Study_Crimson Publishers
Medical Co Morbidities in Patients of Frontal Temporal Dementia -A Hospital Based Study by Manjunadh Muralleedharan in Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences Crimson Publishers_RMES Dementia is increasingly becoming a major healthcare challenge as the population ages worldwide, with an estimated 25 million cases of dementia globally. The most common cause of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease (AD) which affects approximately 5.4 million individuals in the United States alone. Following the identification of tau gene mutations in familial forms of this disorder, there is increasing interest in genetic factors that may predispose to the disease. About 60% of patients with frontotemporal dementia have no family history of dementia and are considered to be sporadic cases. Genetic factors, such as apolipoprotein E genotype and the H1 haplotype of the tau gene, have been inconsistently asso...