Understanding Online Social Networking in Terms of Mental Health: A Boon or Bane? | Crimson Publishers
Understanding Online Social Networking in Terms of Mental Health: A Boon or Bane? By Suyog V Jaiswal in Research in Medical &
Engineering Sciences
Online social networking is a
fastest growing medium for connecting people with each other defying the
physical barrier. The social networking can be a good support system to some of
its users and help them get over their fear and anxieties of social
interaction. Despite that it has a great potential for developing into an
addicting behavior and this addicting behavior has similar implication as any
chemical dependence syndrome. There is research which suggests that self esteem
and personality of the users determine the way an individual uses the online
social networking and it is suggested that use of social networking sites may
be associated with depression. The link between depression and online social
networking is complex and requires further study. Online social networking is a
thing which has to cause as well as prevent mental health emergencies such as
deliberate self harm and suicide. It is a tool which needs to be handled
carefully and can be rewarding if done so.
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