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Showing posts from October, 2022

The Molecular Basis of Neural Memory: Part 8. Case Studies of “Neuro-mimetic” Technologies- Crimson Publishers

The Molecular Basis of Neural Memory: Part 8. Case Studies of “Neuro-mimetic” Technologies by Gerard Marx in Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences From Cajal’s [1] original studies (~1900), neurobiologists have represented neurons as “naked”, seemingly suspended in “space”. Cajal [1] overlooked issues relevant to the emergence of the memory talent from neural nets, specifically: 1. Not recognizing the morphology of the biologic neuron as relevant to its memory function. 2. Ignoring the presence of extracellular matrix (nECM), a hydrogel web/lattice entangling the extended neuron. 3. Unawareness of non-synaptic signaling between neurons through the nECM. 4. No code for emotions. We review 2 technologies, the IBM Brain Chip and the Blue Brain Project, both which are flawed by the same oversights. To address these flaws, we propose a tripartite mechanism, based on the dynamic interactions of 3 compartments: 1) Neurons-including glia cells/astrocytes 2) Neural extr...

Investigating the Levels of Estrdiole, Follicle Stimulating Hormones (FSH), Luteinizing Hormones (LH) and Testosterone in Human Infertility Issue- Crimson Publishers

Investigating the Levels of Estrdiole, Follicle Stimulating Hormones (FSH), Luteinizing Hormones (LH) and Testosterone in Human Infertility Issue by Junaid Zeb in Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences Objectives: To investigate infertility issues in Females and males due to sex hormones imbalance, Estimation of FSH, LH, Estradiol level in females infertile and Testosterone level in infertile males and females. Methodology: It was a cross sectional study conducted at reproductive physiology/health, public health laboratory division, national institute of health Islamabad from December 2015 to September 2017. Study was carried out on 60 male and 60 female infertile patients. FSH, LH, estradiole were estimated for females and testosterone for males by Immuno enzymatic assay (ELISA). Data was analyzed by SPSS 16. Results: Biochemical parameters for female population showed that 16.67% of sampled women indicated FSH level <4.5-11mIU/Ml while 40% with FSH level > 4.5-...

Bloodlust of Wildlife Fishing and Hunting Quenched by Industrial Agricultural Engineering- Crimson Publishers

Bloodlust of Wildlife Fishing and Hunting Quenched by Industrial Agricultural Engineering by Louis ZG Touyz in Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences The history of food production and its preservation is reviewed. The supply of food demand from global populations is discussed. Focus is drawn on animal factory farms and plant sources of protein for humans. Nutrition derived from vegetarian and carnivore diets are appraised. Motivation psychology and mindsets of hunters and fishers are deconstructed and gratuitous killing of wild animals is deplored. The irreversible damage to wildlife fauna and to aquatic fish-stock destruction, wrought by fishers and hunters respectively, is underlined. Sound food sources exist to feed Mankind and render hunting and fishing as archaic unnecessary anachronistic practices. From the information laid out, most people acknowledge hunting and fishing are anachronistic. Immediate rewards are sought without regard to irrevocable damage imposed on glob...

Social-Medical Advice Ignored Responsible Alcohol Drinking Within the Context of Family Pastoral Care- Crimson Publishers

Social-Medical Advice Ignored Responsible Alcohol Drinking Within the Context of Family Pastoral Care by Cyril Arima in Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences In the past, the advice of the medical experts concerning human health and relationship with others in the family and society were taken seriously because of responsible alcohol drinking. It had a positive role to play within the extended family in Africa. It encouraged adults to come together and share ideas, values, enjoy happily their leisure time, learn to plan for their families’ development and progress. However, today the advice of medical doctors about responsible drinking is not taken seriously because this good image of alcohol is no more in the West Nile region. Misunderstandings and abuse of alcohol are common. Nobody seems to take seriously the root causes of the problem, which rests on three fundamental questions: ‘Who drinks the alcohol?’; ‘Why drink the alcohol?’; and ‘What happens after a person has dru...

Exploring Role of Adipose Organ and Dysmetabolic Effects of Adiposity: Over-Nutrition, Nutrient Overload, Insulin Resistance, T2DM and Other Fallouts- Crimson Publishers

Exploring Role of Adipose Organ and Dysmetabolic Effects of Adiposity: Over-Nutrition, Nutrient Overload, Insulin Resistance, T2DM and Other Fallouts by Vinod Nikhra in Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences The complex adipose organ It has highly plasticproperties to reprogram its genes and transdifferentiate reversibly into cells with different structure and functions.The adipose organ plays important role in health and disease states including obesity and MetS and fulfils several crucial survival needs like thermogenesis, storage of energy and fuel for metabolism, immune responses, sexual development around puberty, reproductive function and lactation. Further, as an endocrine organ, it secretes several peptides termed adipokines, including adiponectin and leptin. Adiposity and metabolic mechanisms The rising prevalence of obesity and MetS in recent decades reflects increased calorie consumption though diets rich in fat and refined carbohydrates, leading to over-nutrition an...

Engineering Essentials for Medical Robotics- Crimson Publishers

Engineering Essentials for Medical Robotics by Sadique Shaikh in Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences Medical Robotics became very advanced medical field which make lengthy and complicated operations and surgeries easy task with provide comfort and quick relief to human body. Now days Medical Robotics not only limited for operations and surgeries but also became very useful in organs transplants and Cyborg implementation in/with human body to enable disabled body parts or to give super power to ordinary body. This communication discuss some key terms in medical robotics like bionic, Cyborg etc. and also discussed two models named “Bionic Engineering Model and Medical Robotics Engineering Essentials Model”. For more open access journals in crimson publishers Please click on link: For more articles on Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences Please click on link: