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Showing posts from June, 2024

Fabrication Process Development of Uniform Nanopatterns on Lens Surface Via the Control of Focus Distance in Laser Interference Lithography- Crimson Publishers

Fabrication Process Development of Uniform Nanopatterns on Lens Surface Via the Control of Focus Distance in Laser Interference Lithography- Crimson Publishers In recent years, the demand for optics has been increasing as research is conducted in optically diverse fields. Typical optics have flat shaped optics, such as mirrors, but some have curvature, such as lens. Flat optics make it easy to uniformly manufacture coatings or nanopatterns on surfaces, but it is difficult to uniformly manufacture coatings or nanopatterns on lens with curvature. Therefore, in this study, the curvature of the lens was measured and the spherical wave was created to match the curvature of the lens to produce a uniform pattern on the lens surface with curvature, creating a periodic nanopattern through laser interference lithography on the top of the lens. To check the uniformity of nanopatterns on the lens, several points were selected from the specimen to measure, compare and analyze the AFM and SEM imag...

Governments Failure on Global Digital Geopolitical Strategy- Crimson Publishers

Governments Failure on Global Digital Geopolitical Strategy- Crimson Publishers Governments in all countries of the world today want organized and controlled societies that operate under a single set of rules and commands. Many governments around the world want and seek information that will allow them to control social groups and populations. Governments around the world set up ghost companies that were created to mislead the public and then collect information, data and then data from various sources or in collaboration with other third parties around the world. Somewhere here the game is changing, companies that are set up for information analysis often work for the benefit of third parties and governments. In a globalized world it is difficult to control the flow of data from both the extraction source and the final recipients. For more open access journals in crimson publishers Please click on link: https://crimsonpub...

Fullerene Trend in Biomedicine: Expectations and Reality- Crimson Publishers

Fullerene Trend in Biomedicine: Expectations and Reality- Crimson Publishers Fullerenes are the third allotropic form of carbon, along with diamond and graphite, where carbon atoms are situated in vertices of the closed shells (cages) [1]. Since their discovery in 1985, fullerenes have attracted an attention of scientists not only because of their unique and beautiful structure but also as the materials for possible applications in engineering and medicine. Lots of fullerenes with hollow carbon cages were synthesized and chemically functionalized. Biomedical effects of such “empty” fullerenes are mostly defined by the chemical groups attached to the fullerene cage [1,2]. Besides, there are the so-called endohedral metallofullerenes (EMF) molecules of which contain one or more atoms, among them lanthanides or heavy elements like Pb or Bi trapped inside the carbon cage [3,4]. The goal of this editorial is to summarize the ideas of using fullerenes for biomedicine and express our opinio...

Lessons from Two Anthropogenic Environmental Disasters in Contemporary Japanese History- Crimson Publishers

Lessons from Two Anthropogenic Environmental Disasters in Contemporary Japanese History- Crimson Publishers An environmental disaster is a catastrophic event caused by human activity that results in serious effects on ecosystems, agriculture, the economy and human health. In most cases environmental disasters are caused by human error, accident, lack of knowledge and foresight. To distinguish them from naturally occurring disasters, environmental disaster can be termed anthropogenic or man-made environmental disaster. Mining and industrial pollution have been the cause of so many environmental disasters. One example of the worst environmental disasters, the Bhopal disaster was a gas leak incident on the night of 2-3 December 1984 at the Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL) pesticide plant in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India [1,2]. Over 500,000 people were exposed to methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas, which is highly toxic. The estimation of death toll varied from 3,787 to 8000. Another exampl...

Speed of Light and Gravity, 𝒈 = 𝑮𝒄𝟐/𝒓- Crimson Publishers

Speed of Light and Gravity, 𝒈 = 𝑮𝒄𝟐 / 𝒓- Crimson Publishers The speed of light and the lunar light year of the Earth have been used to calculate a centripetal acceleration. The results align exactly with gravity at the surface of the Earth or 9.8m/s2. It is thought that the electromagnetic field of the Earth extends in a circular path to the far edges of the solar system and the speed of light contributes to the centripetal acceleration experienced on Earth. The author concludes that electromagnetism is the driving force of gravity in the near- and far-fields of the solar system. For more open access journals in crimson publishers Please click on link: For more articles on Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences Please click on link:

Healthcare Critical Knowledge Monitor System Model: Healthcare Knowledge Capture Component Specification- Crimson Publishers

Healthcare Critical Knowledge Monitor System Model: Healthcare Knowledge Capture Component Specification- Crimson Publishers The constant evolution of Information and Communication Technologies brings new opportunities with multiple forms of communication, therefore new ways of sharing knowledge. In healthcare practice, being updated it’s extremely important in order to provide a better service. The growth of multiple sources of knowledge, mostly supported by technology, gives more opportunity to achieve it. Another way to be updated is sharing knowledge with partners and communities, which is becoming part of the healthcare organizations culture (i.e. Electronic Health Record systems). Healthcare organizations manage with personal information concerning to patients such as clinical treatment, clinical history, drug administration, diseases casuistic, among others; and from many sources, such as patient’s feedback, knowledge from suppliers, knowledge from Internet sources, knowledge ...

Application of Virtual Reality for Helping People with Psychiatric Disorders: A Mini Review- Crimson Publishers

Application of Virtual Reality for Helping People with Psychiatric Disorders: A Mini Review- Crimson Publishers Psychiatric disorders are characterized by behavioral and cognitive deficits. It is crucial to develop intervention strategies helping individuals with psychiatric disorders, their caregivers and educators in daily life. To this purpose, eXtended Reality (XR), i.e. a simulation of the real world based on computer graphics, can be useful as it allows instructors and therapists to offer a safe, repeatable and diversifiable environment during learning. This mini review examines studies that have investigated the use of XR in psychiatric disorders. Virtual reality is a promising intervention with several potential applications about behavioral and cognitive rehabilitation treatment in psychiatric disorders. For more open access journals in crimson publishers Please click on link: For...

Buckling of Osteoporotic Lumbar: Finite Element Analysis- Crimson Publishers

Buckling of Osteoporotic Lumbar: Finite Element Analysis- Crimson Publishers Contribution of osteoporotic degradation to instability of lumbar spine is investigated by the finite element method. The aim of this work is to assess the biomechanical response of the osteoporotic L3 vertebrae under axial compression loading. The human lumbar spine segment comprising L2-L4 is considered. The anatomic shape of the patient-specific image-based geometry of lumbar vertebra is used for the three-dimensional finite element model. The cortical skin of vertebra id modelled by the shell, while cancellous tissue by the volume elements. The weak intervertebral discs are modelled as 3D composite. Three models including healthy and two trabecular bone osteoporotic degeneration cases are analyzed. The first case is restricted to osteoporotic degradation cancellous bone tissue as it is used in common praxis while the second case reflects limit situation when trabecular rarefaction occurs near the outer c...

Enhancing Radical-Mediated Photopylomerization Efficacy and Crosslink Depth: Kinetic Modeling of a Two-Monomer System- Crimson Publishers

Enhancing Radical-Mediated Photopylomerization Efficacy and Crosslink Depth: Kinetic Modeling of a Two-Monomer System- Crimson Publishers The kinetics and rate equations are derived to analyze the enhanced cross-linking via a two-monomer system, in which the photoinitiator (PI) triplet excited state interacts with monomers, [A] and [B], to form reactive intermediates radicals, which could interact with oxygen, [A],[B], and bimolecular termination. Quasi-steady-state conditions are employed to solve for radicals which are used to find the temporal prpfiles of the monomer efficacy and cosslink depth, as a function of light intensity, exposure time, and concentrations of PI, [A] and [B]. Higher light intensity and radical coupling rate constant lead to faster depletion of PI and oxygen concentration; and faster transient rising efficacy, but a lower steadystate efficacy. Conversion efficacy is an increasing function of the ratio [B]/[A]. In contrast, efficacy is a decreasing function of...

MicroRNAs: Biomarkers or Therapeutic Targets?- Crimson Publishers

MicroRNAs: Biomarkers or Therapeutic Targets?- Crimson Publishers MicroRNAs are small non-coding RNAs of approximately 22 nucleotides, that control gene expression. They pair with s specific part on the untranslated region (UTR) of their target mRNAs and silence their expression, either by inhibiting their translation or by degrading the sequence. Therefore, a dysregulation in the expression of miRNAs results to the dysregulation of their target genes which in several cases they may play in different diseases. In the past decades the investigation of these non-coding RNAs has been comprehensive and thorough. MiRNAs have been investigated for their possible role as biomarkers as well as therapeutic targets. For more open access journals in crimson publishers Please click on link: For more articles on Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences Please click on link: https://crimsonpublish...

Naphazoline Nitrate Treat the Frey Effect of Microwave and Other Sonic Weapon’s Damages in Human’s Internal, Endogenous Organs- Crimson Publishers

Naphazoline Nitrate Treat the Frey Effect of Microwave and Other Sonic Weapon’s Damages in Human’s Internal, Endogenous Organs in Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences State Department had evacuated a number of Americans from the U.S. consulate in Guangzhou, China after they experienced unexplained health issues. A group of U.S. diplomats stationed in China have been brought back to the states after being inflicted by a mystery illness that reportedly resembles the brain injuries previously suffered by staff in Cuba. At the end of the December 2018 we have found a medicine fully treating the damages caused the Frey Effect of Microvawe and other types of Sonic Weapons in Human’s internal, endogenous organs. I am proposing to use Naphasoline nitrate, (former) nasal decongestatnt, to treat Carcinogenesis of the Human’s internal, endogenous organs caused by Sonic Weapons through the release and cleaning of the Lymphatic ways in patients with colorectal, colon, pancreatic, breast...