Classification of Diseases in General Medicine- Crimson Publishers
To diagnose is to collect data to analyse and interpret them, which allows evaluating a certain condition. In medicine, therefore, a diagnosis seeks to reveal the manifestation of a disease from observing and analysing its symptoms. However, this observation of the signs of a disorder to recognize a disease is mediated by the theoretical framework in which we move [1].
Students learn, generally in a self-taught way, that there is a clinical method and that it consists of the scientific method applied to the individual care of the sick. That is, do a history of the disease that the patient tells, explore and perform complementary tests to collect objective data, build hypotheses about which organs are affected, and what disease causes it. However, it usually happens that, after being dazzled by the brightness of such a method in the hospital, when the doctor comes to work in general medicine, he begins to face the fact that, a certain part of the patients have diseases which cannot be fit in any classifications.
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