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Showing posts from November, 2022

Pathological Gait Classification and Segmentation by Processing the Hip Joints Motion Data to Support Mobile Gait Rehabilitation- Crimson Publishers

Pathological Gait Classification and Segmentation by Processing the Hip Joints Motion Data to Support Mobile Gait Rehabilitation by Wasiq Khan in Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences An accurate detection of the gait sub-phases is fundamental in clinical gait analysis to interpret kinetic and kinematic data. In general, detecting the gait events that mark the transition from one gait sub-phase to another as well as the sequence of sub-phases is essential to evaluate gait abnormalities. However, finding a reliable segmentation for pathological gait has been a challenging task. This manuscript entails a generic approach for the gait segmentation into sub-phases in the CORBYS1 system. A number of distinctive features are extracted from the Hip joints motion data which are able to partition and segment the gait cycles in an efficient way. The degree of deviation (i.e. anomaly) in each sub-phase is then calculated with respect to an optimal gait reference which is used for robot...

On this thanksgiving, I wish that all your blessings get multiplied this year and throughout your whole life. Have a Joyous Thanksgiving from Crimson Publishers

On this thanksgiving, I wish that all your blessings get multiplied this year and throughout your whole life. Have a Joyous Thanksgiving!

Energy Criteria for Structural Interactions with Free Radicals- Crimson Publishers

Energy Criteria for Structural Interactions with Free Radicals by GА Korablev in Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences Spatial-energy characteristics of many molecules and free radicals are obtained. The possibilities of applying the P-parameter methodology to structural interactions with free radicals and photosynthesis energetics evaluation are discussed. The satisfactory compliance of calculations with experimental and reference data on main photosynthesis stages is shown.   For more open access journals in crimson publishers Please click on link: For more articles on Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences Please click on link:

Enhancement of Aircraft Flights in the Ash Polluted Sky by Electrostatic Filter- Crimson Publishers

Enhancement of Aircraft Flights in the Ash Polluted Sky by Electrostatic Filter by Zare Shahneh A in Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences Thousands of flights were banned and millions of people have affected in Europe in 2010. This was the first natural event which caused a wide and long flight ban in the world, the biggest shut down after Second World War. The damage in European countries is estimated as figure as billions of Dollars and in particular, a damage of 10 million Pounds a day was estimated for Britain. Because of the volcanic event and its development, aviation authorities of European countries decided to restrict the use of airspace, progressively as the ash cloud was spreading. From April 15th to May 21st were restricted airspace, airports were closed, flights canceled and passengers repressed, so it became the longest period of inactivity in air traffic after the second world war. International Air Transport Association (IATA) estimated losses of 1.1 billi...

Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Impact of Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment on the Physicochemical and Thermal Properties of 6-Mercaptopurine- Crimson Publishers

Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Impact of Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment on the Physicochemical and Thermal Properties of 6-Mercaptopurine by Snehasis Jana in Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences 6-Mercaptopurine is a thiopurine-derivative antimetabolite, which is used for the treatment of cancer, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and autoimmune diseases. The aim of this research work was to evaluate the impact of the Trivedi Effect® on the physicochemical, and thermal properties of 6-mercaptopurine using the modern analytical technique. 6-Mercaptopurine powder sample was divided into two parts. One part of the sample was considered as a control sample (no Biofield Energy Treatment was provided), whereas the other part was treated with Biofield Energy Treatment remotely by a renowned Biofield Energy Healer, Dahryn Trivedi and termed as a treated sample. The particle size values in the treated 6-mercaptopurine powder sample were significantly decreased by ...

Molecular Basis of Neural Memory Defining the Engram_ Crimson Publishers

Molecular Basis of Neural Memory Defining the Engram by Gerard Marx in Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences A goal of neuroscientists is to identify the causal relationship between the functioning of neurons and the emergence of mental (psychic) states, such as emotions and memories. The notion that the basis for memory was due to physical changes in the brain, was first proposed by Richard Semon (~1900), who also coined the term “engram” to refer to the physical trace of memory. Elements of Semon’s concept are echoed nowadays in descriptions of “engram cells”, neurons which supposedly store and recall the memory trace. But none of these identify the code that instigates the emotive states experienced and remembered by neural systems. For more open access journals in crimson publishers Please click on link: For more articles on Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences Ple...

Challenging Physical Impossibility: Finding Your Way to Change Using Your Body and Spirit- Crimson Publishers

Challenging Physical Impossibility: Finding Your Way to Change Using Your Body and Spirit by Renae Cobley in Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences Obesity prevalence is rapidly increasing worldwide requiring a collaborative, innovative, new energy, new ideas, and a new passion. Every person worldwide should be given equal opportunity to be healthy and well and learn the dimensions of their own physical power of resiliency. In building stamina, strength, dynamism, and enthusiasm for a new sense of self. The obesity epidemic is a fierce battle indeed requiring us all to dig deep and never has there been a more pivotal time to take our bodies for granted. Drastic times called for drastic measures, we must aim beyond what we are far capable of, develop a complete disregard for where our abilities end and do things we are incapable of. Noting along the journey that nothing is impossible. I provide a unique insight and details not seen or spoken about in such a mission. My secret we...

Conjoined Siamese Twins Incidence Delivered by Caesarian Section- A Case Report- Crimson Publishers

Conjoined Siamese Twins Incidence Delivered by Caesarian Section- A Case Report by Michael Osei Appiah in Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences Introduction: A very rare case of Siamese twins assembled in the abdomen was delivered through Caesarean section. Case presentation: We present a case of a 28-year-old, female, Ghanaian mother who had conjoined twins at the abdomen. Conclusion: Mother of Siamese twins was however shocked that all her scans at the same hospital did not reveal the condition of her baby until they were born. The first genetic defects of interest can now be identified before delivery. Such a serious injury, as is the case with our index, which is incompatible with postpartum life, needs to be consulted. If properly reported supervision is adequately detected during postnatal care, it can mean that pregnancy is due to a close delivery. For more open access journals in crimson publishers Please click on link: For more ...

EMG Pattern Analysis for A Hemiplegic Boy While Using VR-Glasses- Crimson Publishers

EMG Pattern Analysis for A Hemiplegic Boy While Using VR-Glasses by Michael Jung in Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences This is a case report about a 12-year old boy with a spastic hemiplegia receiving therapy via VR glasses. The researchers try to demonstrate that the use of VR glasses showing 3-dimensional video sequences can stimulate the affected side of the brain comparable to mirror therapy. Therefore, the researchers videotaped ambidextrous 3-dimensional video sequences (actions) in an ego-perspective. An EMG pattern analysis demonstrate a tone influencing effect of the VR-glasses on this boy`s spastic upper limb. These first results lead to a greater RCT in this field. For more open access journals in crimson publishers Please click on link: For more articles on Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences Please click on link:

Dynamic Freedom: Substrate Stress Relaxation Stimulates Cell Responses- Crimson Publishers

Dynamic Freedom: Substrate Stress Relaxation Stimulates Cell Responses by Kamol Dey in Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences Natural tissues comprise a population of cells, extra cellular matrix (ECM) and signaling biomolecules. The only living component, cell, interacts with each other and with the ECM in an incredibly multifaceted way. From the materials point of view, cells are highly dynamic viscoelastic materials; reside in highly dynamic three dimensional (3D) viscoelastic ECM, communicate with its surrounding in a highly dynamic and complex way, and form a highly dynamic viscoelastic tissue [1,2]. The cells can continually read the microenviromental cues such as stiffness, porosity, topography etc. and respond to them in a mechano-sensitive way to maintain the both cellular and tissue health [3]. It has been long recognized that matrix integrity or stiffness has profound influences on cell function and fate [4-7]. Furthermore, cells exert forces on the matrix and gauge ...