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The Malachite Wen-Myeloid Sarcoma- Crimson Publishers

The Malachite Wen-Myeloid Sarcoma- Crimson Publishers   Contingent to World Health Organization (WHO) classification, myeloid sarcoma is denominated as a tumefaction comprised of myeloblasts amalgamated at an anatomical site divergent from the bone marrow which engenders distortion of normal tissue architecture. Generally, myeloid sarcoma is contemplated to be equivalent to and concurrent with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML), although lesions may occur in isolation. Additionally designated as granulocytic sarcoma, chloroma or extramedullary myeloid tumour, myeloid sarcoma categorically represents as a distinct tumefaction associated with architectural effacement of circumscribing soft tissue. Myeloid sarcoma may emerge as a de novo lesion or manifest as therapy related myeloid neoplasm or as disease progression within myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN), myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) or myelodysplastic / myeloproliferative neoplasm (MDS / MPN). In contrast, leukaemia cutis (LC) is...
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Research Progress of Matrix Metalloproteinases Deriving from Parasites- Crimson Publishers

Research Progress of Matrix Metalloproteinases Deriving from Parasites- Crimson Publishers Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) is a large family. It is named because it needs metal ions like Ca2+, Zn2+as cofactors. Its family members have similar structures and are generally composed of five domains with different functions: A. The hydrophobic signal peptide sequences; B. The prepeptide region, mainly used to maintain the stability of the zymogen. When the region is cut off by exogenous enzymes, MMPs zymogen is activated. C. The catalytic active region, having zinc ion binding sites, crucial for the enzyme catalysis. D. The hinge region rich in proline. E. The carboxyl terminal region, related to the substrate specificity of the enzyme [1]. For more open access journals in crimson publishers Please click on link: For more articles on Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences Pl...

Potential Value of Anti-inflammatory in the Prevention and Treatment of Deep Vein Thrombosis- Crimson Publishers

Potential Value of Anti-inflammatory in the Prevention and Treatment of Deep Vein Thrombosis- Crimson Publishers The incidence of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) has been increasing in recent years. In addition to endothelial injury, blood stasis and hypercoagulability, thromb-inflammation describes the complex interplay between inflammation and coagulation that plays a critical role in the pathophysiology of DVT. Leukocytes, endothelial cells and platelets interact with each other, which promote inflammation and play a key role in DVT formation and development. Here, we review the relationship between inflammation and DVT, providing potential value for the development of anti-inflammatory drugs in the prevention and treatment of DVT. For more open access journals in crimson publishers Please click on link: For more articles on Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences Please click on link...

CHIDOS: Customized Hip Implant Design & Optimization Service- Crimson Publishers

CHIDOS: Customized Hip Implant Design & Optimization Service- Crimson Publishers   CHIDOS is a web application that conducts artificial intelligence (AI) - empowered customization and Finite Element Analysis optimization (FEA) of additively-manufactured hip implants used in total hip arthroplasty. The medical practitioner only creates a patient profile, uploads the patient’s CT scans and confirms the anatomical landmarks that are necessary for the restoration of the patient’s hip biomechanics. Based on this information, CHIDOS automatically reconstructs the anatomy of the patient’s pelvic and femoral bones in a 3D digital environment, develops a patient-specific femoral stem as well as patient-specific surgical tools (i.e., broach/rasp, osteotomy guide) used in total hip arthroplasty, optimizes the implant’s design, and creates accompanying 3D documentation & 3D anatomical models of the hip joint, useful for preoperative planning and intra-operative guidance. The patien...

Computational Nanomaterial Design: Towards the Realization of Nanoparticle Design in Cancer Treatment- Crimson Publishers

Computational Nanomaterial Design: Towards the Realization of Nanoparticle Design in Cancer Treatment- Crimson Publishers Cancer is one of the leading causes of human mortality [1]. To compound the issue, cancers can occur in many parts of the human body. A new methodology was developed to use radiotherapy to kill cancer cells or control its growth. There are two ways of using this method: external radiation, in which radiation in the form of x-rays bombards the target area from the outside, and internal radiation, in which a small amount of radioactive substance is surgically placed in the vicinity of the cancer cells [2]. Normally, the former method is used for treatment, but this can potentially affect non-cancerous cells and can cause side effects and other unintended problems later on. For more open access journals in crimson publishers Please click on link: For more articles on Resea...

Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology and Some Perspectives on its Future- A Mini Review- Crimson Publishers

Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology and Some Perspectives on its Future- A Mini Review- Crimson Publishers A digital money built on cryptographic principles that has gained popularity recently is referred to as a cryptocurrency. Bitcoin is a decentralised cryptocurrency that records all transactions on a distributed, append-only public ledger called a blockchain. The incentive-compatible Proof-of-Work (PoW)-based decentralized consensus procedure, which is upheld by nodes in the network known as miners, is essential to the security of bitcoin. As the market continues to rise, interest in Bitcoin appears to be increasing. The underlying concepts of Bitcoins and Blockchains are the same, as is briefly addressed in this review. Blockchain is a breakthrough technology that has multiple implementations, ranging from smart contracts to cryptocurrencies, and is discussed in several studies as a potential solution to a number of problems.

COVID-19 “A Novel Great Imitator” and Its Cause-Effect Relationship on the Skin- Crimson Publishers

COVID-19 “A Novel Great Imitator” and Its Cause-Effect Relationship on the Skin- CrimsonPublishers   The emergence of the new coronavirus in December 2019, the main actor in the current COVID-19 pandemic and type 2 acute respiratory distress syndrome (SARS-CoV-2), initially allowed elucidating the particular respiratory symptoms of the disease that regularly it culminated in severe respiratory distress requiring mechanical ventilation and caused death in a considerable percentage of those infected. Over time, other symptoms were recognized, including the appearance of skin lesions. Initial reports of skin manifestations were documented by Italian dermatologists, probably because Italy was the first European country to be severely affected by the pandemic. The general clinical presentation, course, and outcome of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children differ from that in adults. In studies carried out during the first wave of the pandemic, it was observed that from 20.4% to 45% of patie...

Recent Developments of Decentralized Clinical Trial Technology in Korea- Crimson Publishers

Recent Developments of Decentralized Clinical Trial Technology in Korea- CrimsonPublishers   Clinical trials are routinely performed on human participants to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of new treatments such as drugs and medical devices. Recent advances in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have led to the development of Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCTs). DCTs allow participants to participate in various types of clinical trials without having to visit hospitals. Data collection and frequent interactions between participants and medical staff can be possible via remote monitoring environments. In addition, the costs and time for clinical trials conduction can be significantly reduced. The development of ICT-based DCT technologies has already initiated. However, the adoption of DCTs was facilitated by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Interest in and research on DCTs has also grown in Korea. This study describes the present state of DCT ...

The Laminous Subsumption-Epidermal Inclusion Cyst- Crimson Publishers

The Laminous Subsumption-Epidermal Inclusion Cyst- Crimson Publishers   Preface Epidermal inclusion cyst is a frequently discerned, benign, noncontagious, cutaneous cyst incorporated with lamellar keratin. As the cyst wall is engendered from an infundibular portion of hair follicle, the lesion may preponderantly be designated as an infundibular cyst. Sebaceous glands do not engender epidermal inclusion cyst and sebum does not configure as an intra-cavitary component. Thus, the terminology of “sebaceous cyst” is unwarranted and requires circumvention. Additionally designated as epidermoid cyst, epidermal cyst, follicular cyst- infundibular type, inclusion cyst or keratin cyst, the stable epidermal inclusion cyst may progress gradually. Normal cutaneous bacterial flora as Staphylococcus aureus or Staphylococcus epidermidis may infect an epidermal inclusion cyst. Disease Characteristics Generally, epidermal inclusion cyst occurs due to damage to pilo-sebaceous unit and is discerne...

Correction of Metabolic Imbalance and Formation of Amino Acid Pool in Cardiovascular Pathology- Crimson Publishers

Correction of Metabolic Imbalance and Formation of Amino Acid Pool in Cardiovascular Pathology- Crimson Publishers   A review of data on the mechanisms of formation of the pool of free amino acids in cardiovascular insufficiency and methods for correcting of metabolic imbalance. The relevance of studies on the role of amino acids in the pathogenesis, prevention and treatment of Cardiovascular Insufficiency (CVI) is primarily due to the significant practical results of the use of highly purified substances of this class of compounds and their compositions in the treatment of cardiovascular pathology [1-7]. At the same time, the most significant number of applied research is devoted to the search for marker amino acids or their derivatives for the diagnosis of heart and vascular diseases [8-12]. It has been convincingly demonstrated that elimination or correction of changes in intermediate metabolism can be achieved by using individual amino acids and their derivatives, or by com...

Escherichia coli Harboring Mcr-1 on a Novel Plasmid in a Mink in Eastern China- Crimson Publishers

Escherichia coli Harboring Mcr-1 on a Novel Plasmid in a Mink in Eastern China- Crimson Publishers   In the current study, we described the characterization of an mcr-1-positive E. coli isolate from a dead mink in Dongping Lake, China. The molecular characterization of plasmids was also investigated. The strain was resistant to colistin, but it remained susceptible to several other agents, including amikacin, piperacillin-tazobactam, all carbapenems, and ESBLs. E. coli Mink_1 belonged to sequence type 140. Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) showed that two plasmids, pM1mcr and pM1ctx, coexisted in the same bacterial. Blast and phylogenetic tree imply that Epidemic plasmids are vehicles for the dissemination of colistin resistance genes among the Enterobacterales. Restrictive use of antibiotics in animal husbandry should be taken to reduce the dissemination of mcr-1. For more open access journals in crimson publishers Pl...

Critical Path Method (CPM)- Crimson Publishers

Critical Path Method (CPM)- Crimson Publishers The Critical Path Method (CPM), or Critical Path Analysis (CPA), is an algorithm for scheduling a set of project activities. It is commonly used in conjunction with the Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT). A critical path is determined by identifying the longest stretch of dependent activities and measuring the time required to complete them from start to finish. For more open access journals in crimson publishers Please click on link: For more articles on Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences Please click on link:

Use of Thymbra Species Spreading in the Flora of Turkey for Medicinal Purposes- Crimson Publishers

Use of Thymbra Species Spreading in the Flora of Turkey for Medicinal Purposes- Crimson Publishers In terms of richness of plant species, Turkey has an important position in the world. It contains about 9,000 plant species and 11,500 taxa. Moreover, more than 1,000 plant species are used as medicinal and aromatic plants in our country. Medicinal plants are mostly evaluated by gathering from nature. Lamiaceae family covers many well-known and economically important medicinal types such as mint, sage, balm, thyme, lavender, basil. These plants, with wide adaptation limits, are well adapted to temperate and tropical regions. Although it is found in the natural flora of almost every region in our country, the Aegean and Mediterranean regions have an important position in terms of endemic species of the family. Although there are many aromatic plant species belonging to the family Lamiaceae described as thyme in Turkey, especially species containing the essential oil carvacrol and thymol ...

Natural Patterns and Magnetic and Mental Processes of Coronavirus Activation and Neutralization- Crimson Publishers

Natural Patterns and Magnetic and Mental Processes of Coronavirus Activation and Neutralization- Crimson Publishers For twenty years, humanity has seen the third attempt at the transition of coronavirus to humans. The vaccine has been found, but coronavirus transitions will not stop even with the improvement of medicine. Nobel laureate in medicine Professor Luc Montagnier argues that vaccines may not live up to humanity’s hopes of getting rid of COVID-19. Collective immunity for coronavirus has not been developed, repeated infections are more and more common, beds of seriously ill people are not empty, and mortality is running high, no one knows what will happen to all of us. In Israel, where vaccination has long been compulsory, and over 60% of the population, including underage children, have been vaccinated, the incidence is not just declining, but still breaking all records. So, the maximum number of cases here was revealed on September 1 - 16,629, which almost caught up with Rus...

Nanotechnology as an Alternative to Chemotherapy- Crimson Publishers

Nanotechnology as an Alternative to Chemotherapy- Crimson Publishers “I would better die than lose my hair”, said one of my close relatives. She had cancer and she was advised chemotherapy. She has seen bald heads of men and women having gone through chemotherapy. Not only this; they were found fatigued, feeling and being sick, getting frequent Infections, anaemia, bruising and bleeding, sore mouth, loss of appetite, memory loss, concentration problem, sleep problem, sex and fertility issues, diarrhoea and constipation, emotional problems and much more. Being a learned woman; she knew that the drugs used for chemotherapy are powerful, highly toxic and they can still cause damage to healthy cells. This damage causes the side effects as do all the sulpha drugs. For more open access journals in crimson publishers Please click on link: For more articles on Research in Medical & Engineering...

Benefits of Camel Milk- Crimson Publishers

Benefits of Camel Milk- Crimson Publishers Camel milk is rich in many nutrients that are important for overall health. It has been shown to lower blood sugar and improve insulin sensitivity in people with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The milk contains insulin-like proteins, which may be responsible for its antidiabetic activity. The milk contains compounds that appear to fight various disease-causing organisms. The two main active components in camel milk are lactoferrin and immunoglobulins, proteins that may give camel milk its immune-boosting properties. Lactoferrin has antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. Camel milk has been studied for its effects on behavioral conditions in children, and people suggest that it may aid those with autism. It’s also studied for its effects on behavioral conditions in children, and people suggest that it may aid those with autism. The disadvantage of camel milk is more expensive, may not be pasteur...

Novel Z-Nanofiber Sheet Mask of High Particle Collection Efficiency, Easy Breathing and Resistant To Water Vapor-Crimson Publishers

Novel Z-Nanofiber Sheet Mask of High Particle Collection Efficiency, Easy Breathing and Resistant To Water Vapor-Crimson Publishers Nonwoven fabric sheet is usually used as mask due to the comparatively high particles removal performance and ease of breathing. The diameter of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19 virus), including various mutants, is considered to be about 50nm to 150nm which is a size that can be removed by the nonwoven fabric sheet mask according to the particle collection Air Filter Mechanism Theory (AFMT) as shown in Figure 1. The most disturbing problems are that large amounts of aerosols of various sizes, including many viruses, are released from the mouth by coughing, and those around the diameter of 300nm slip through the mask according to the AFMT. In order to solve the problem, the electric charge is usually given to the mask. Such modification, however, loses the effectiveness in the presence of water molecules in the breathing. Those are explained in Figure 2. https...

Ultra-Fast Detection of Loosened Bolts Based on Binary Image Processing- Crimson Publishers

Ultra-Fast Detection of Loosened Bolts Based on Binary Image Processing- CrimsonPublishers   In this paper, we offer a new method for detecting tight or loosened bolts based on image processing. The proposed method is independent of bolt appearances, and no height detector is needed. Firstly, several pictures are taken from the bolts in tight and different loosened states for training the system. After the training step, the status of the study bolts is processed by MATLAB software. By using image processing techniques including noise removal, Circular Hough Transform (CHT), transformation of colored images to grayscale, Otsu thresholding, binary complement of Otsu thresholding, enhancement of images with dilation structure element, and after calculating the area of the bolts, the decision about the states of the bolts can be accurately determined based on the number of zero pixels. The proposed method has the advantages of the low calculation process, very fast, and high preci...

Conservative Respiratory Therapeutic Management of COVID-19- Crimson Publishers

Conservative Respiratory Therapeutic Management of COVID-19- Crimson Publishers   COVID-19 symptoms can linger for weeks or even months after the initial infection. This phenomenon has been dubbed “long covid” by some. Because the coronavirus primarily affects the lungs, one of the long COVID-19 breathing symptoms after initial recovery can be ongoing breathlessness. The key symptoms of COVID-19 virus are cough, fever, breathlessness, anxiety, delirium, and agitation, but you may also have fatigue, muscle ache and headache [1]. Please note that severe breathlessness may cause anxiety, which may increase the breathlessness further. This leaflet has some simple breathing exercises you can do to help relieve the symptoms of breathlessness, Depression, and anxiety if you are self-isolating at home. The following tips should help you to manage breathlessness, Depression, and anxiety. For more open access journals in crims...

Analysis of Whole Blood Prothrombin Time/International Normalized Ratio Using Image Processing- Crimson Publishers

Analysis of Whole Blood Prothrombin Time/International Normalized Ratio Using Image Processing- Crimson Publishers Purpose: Patients who had undergone mechanical heart valve replacements, who have atrial fibrillation or deep vein thrombosis, need drugs called oral anticoagulants to prevent blood clotting and need regular testing of Prothrombin Time/International Normalized Ratio. Conventional laboratory approaches are time consuming, need blood component separation and a regular visit to clinical labs. The burden of PT measurement on the clinical laboratory is huge globally, which raise need for point of care, quick and user-friendly device. Methods: In this study we have proposed a handheld device based on the image processing for the PT/INR detection. Cost effective disposable strips were fabricated using thromboplastin as reagent. Device and strips were tested for 100 samples in clinical set up as per the ISO standard 17593 “Clinical laboratory testing and in vitro medical devices...

Is Photosynthesis Quantumish or Not So Quantamish?- Crimson Publishers

Is Photosynthesis Quantumish or Not So Quantamish?- Crimson Publishers   Nature itself is a huge laboratory with plants on it as an experimental setup, performing the incredible process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis, as a process, has been extensively studied and as such, all the mechanisms occurring therein are well known from the biochemical point of view. However, the study of the phenomenon from a quantum perspective is quite new. There is growing evidence that quantum coherence plays a role in photosynthesis, however, the fact is not clear to that level of accuracy. Therefore, a better understanding of this process is both interesting and fruitful. For more open access journals in crimson publishers Please click on link: For more articles on Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences Please click on link:

Mecobalamin as A Neuroprotective Effector Against Oxaliplatin-Based Chemotherapy in Colon and Rectal Cancer Patients- Crimson Publishers

Mecobalamin as A Neuroprotective Effector Against Oxaliplatin-Based Chemotherapy in Colon and Rectal Cancer Patients- Crimson Publishers Palliative chemotherapy prolongs survival and improves quality of life. However, a variety of chemotherapeutics including oxaliplatin can cause severe side effects during treatments, leading to painful symptoms that might result in the interruption of cancer treatment. Although adding oxaliplatin to fluorouracil and leucovorin in adjuvant chemotherapy for colon and rectal cancer may improve disease-free survival, it also increases grade 3-4 sensory neuropathy. Our study aimed to determine whether oral Mecobalamin is neuroprotective against oxaliplatin-induced neuropathy. Forty-six stage III colon and rectal cancer patients receiving adjuvant biweekly oxaliplatin were randomized to oral Mecobalamin (1,500mg; case group) or placebo (control group). Clinical neurological and electrophysiological evaluations were performed at baseline and after 4, 8, an...

Mycoleptodiscus indicus in an Heart-Transplant Recipient. A Case Report and Review of the Literature- Crimson Publishers

Mycoleptodiscus indicus in an Heart-Transplant Recipient. A Case Report and Review of the Literature- Crimson Publishers   Mycoleptodiscus indicus , a phytopathogenic dematiaceous hyphomycete, has only sporadically been described as an agent of subcutaneous infections in immunocompromised patients. A case of M. indicus abscess infection is reported here in a patient undergoing orthoptic heart transplantation. Surgical debridement together with Amphotericin B followed by a long-term therapy with Itraconazole cured the patient. For more open access journals in crimson publishers Please click on link: For more articles on Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences Please click on link:

Protection of Very Small Particles Such as Viruses and Bacteria by Washable and Wearable Z-Nanofiber Sheet Mask- Crimson Publishers

Protection of Very Small Particles Such as Viruses and Bacteria by Washable and Wearable Z-Nanofiber Sheet Mask- Crimson Publishers   The diameter of the COVID-19 virus is considered to be about 50nm to 150nm, and the aerosol diameter containing it by cough about 300nm. Usually, masks are indispensable for preventing both virus spread and inhalation. There are various types of masks from woven to nonwoven fabrics on the market, and the protective effect to virus varies from a few percent to over 99%. In general, the performance of a mask can be represented by the Particle Filtration Efficiency (PFE) and Pressure Drop (PD) similar to an air filter. PFE corresponds to a measure of virus protection and PD to ease of breathing. Therefore, better performing masks have higher PFE and lower PD. PFE and PD are in a strong relationship with each other, that is, whenever we try to increase PFE, PD will increase. Generally, electrets are given to increase PFE in keeping PD low such as HEP...

eMass: Α Smart Digital Tool For Efficient Management And Medical Assessment of The New Recruits In Greek Armed Forces- Crimson Publishers

eMass: Α Smart Digital Tool For Efficient Management And Medical Assessment of The New Recruits In Greek Armed Forces- Crimson Publishers In Greece, all men between the age of 18 and 45 with Greek citizenship are obliged to serve mandatory military service. The reserved training divisions are performed four to six times every year and the average number of recruits at each of them is around 400 to 1,000 [1]. For each recruit a physical / clinical overall examination is performed, involving various medical specialties. Currently, this procedure takes place in the absence of any kind of digital tool. Hence, this shortage results in disrupting the efficient human resources, assets and time management. For more open access journals in crimson publishers Please click on link: For more articles on Research in Medical & Engineering Sciences Please click on link:

Adoption of the New Normal by Indian Education Segment- Crimson Publishers

Adoption of the New Normal by Indian Education Segment- Crimson Publishers The pandemic of 2020 has affected the world in one of the most adverse ways. Countries were in complete lockdown for weeks, each and every one’s life has undergone changes since then. Like all, the education sector in India has also confronted and envisaged the impact COVID 19. Schools, colleges and universities haven’t opened yet to contain the spread of the virus, even as crucial academic semester is being missed. UNESCO’s data reveals that nearly 32 crore students are affected due to the closures [1]. Students have moved back to their native places leaving the institute and university campuses vacant. Hostels and accommodations of higher educational institutes, which fall in affected areas have been converted to quarantine facilities, a support that has been extended by private and public entities to the state and central government. Reopening of educational institutes is not yet feasible with COVID 19 viru...

Clinical Case -Post-Traumatic Lower Lip Angiofibroma- Crimson Publishers

Clinical Case -Post-Traumatic Lower Lip Angiofibroma- Crimson Publishers Quite often the reason for seeking medical care is about the consequences of injuries to the facial area. And, as plastic surgeons, we are working to eliminate these consequences. Correction of aesthetic lip defects is one of the most common reasons for such appeals.Lip trauma is often the result of motor vehicle collisions, contact sports, interpersonal violence, occupational and domestic accidents, and bite wounds[1].In addition, the number of aesthetic procedures in the lip area is increasing, which is associated with the youth and beauty(Figures 1-3). According to ISAPS, the number of procedures using hyaluronic acid fillers in soft tissues increased from 2.69 million in 2014 to 3.3 million in 2017. Complications that require subsequent correction may also be associated with these procedures [2,3].Our clinical case is associated with the consequences of trauma and the formation of a hematoma in the lower lip. ...

Is It Effective For Acupuncture In Treating Postoperative Ileus? ---- A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis- Crimson Publishers

Is It Effective For Acupuncture In Treating Postoperative Ileus? ---- A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis- Crimson Publishers Background: Acupuncture may promote early recovery of postoperative ileus (POI). This meta-analysis aimed to determine the efficacy of acupuncture on outcomes after elective surgery. Material and Methods: We searched database of PUBMED, EMBASE, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials from their inception to Aug. 2019, and selection criteria is randomized controlled trials (RCT). Primary outcome was time to first passage of flatus(d). Secondary outcomes included time to tolerated solid food(d), time to first bowel movement(d), time of first defecation(d), duration of hospital stay(d). Result: We identified 9 studies that recruited 910 participants for inclusion in our review. Compared with other non-pharmacy treatments, acupuncture treatment yielded an improved on mean time to first passage of flatus in postoperative patients (MD=-0.67; 95% CI,...

Primary Angle Closure Glaucoma: A Review- Crimson Publishers

Primary Angle Closure Glaucoma: A Review- Crimson Publishers Glaucoma is a leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. Primary angle closure glaucoma (PACG), is the second most common form of glaucoma and associated with the closure of the anterior chamber angle. Peripheral anterior synechia (PAS) frequently develop due to an attack of prolonged acute attack or a series subacute attack of angle closure glaucoma. These PAS are usually high and broad and very difficult to find out whether the PAS formed before or during the attack or possibly at both times. Principal management strategy for PACG is about anterior chamber angle by understanding the early stages of appositional angle closure before the PAS. In this review, we describe the current understanding regarding the pathophysiology and treatment of PACG. For more open access journals in crimson publishers Please click on link: F...